Why not just put hClinton and bSanders on the same stage with the republicans? Then America would get to see something besides “The Clinton and Sanders holding hands soap opera” -saying the same old worn out praises of Cuba/Iran/Venzuela/nKorea style of gov control of it’s citizens -which is the definition of socialism.
The Truth. Wish someone -republican or democrat -would just tell the truth: hClinton never turned over a single email -hClinton picked out the emails that were harmless and DESTROYED the rest. All the public will ever get to see are Clinton hand-picked word documents —there are NO emails -Clinton destroyed the good ones, the bad ones, and the ugly ones. To keep gov property on you home server and Blackberry phone -and letting anyone handle the data -is bad enough -but then she destroyed gov property when she destroyed the emails. Of course, hClinton had NO CHOICE as the emails had heavy proof of not just Classified Emails -but damning evidence of Play for Pay in her Clinton Foundation.
How a Sec’y of State could send 30,000 not-classified emails is a bit of a miracle -did hClinton EVER do ANY work?!
Muslims. In the last 7 years -greater than 95% of the terrorist attacks, war, slaughter of christians, raping and selling of women, treat women as property, –are muslim islamic believers.
The Koran is evil and can be turned into killing americans -on any day the marm running a mosque decides to tell his followers to go kill -it’s that simple.
Is obama a Muslim? All of the everyday chaos, hate divide cards, destroying of America, hate for Christians, love for Iran, …, –by obama -proves he works for Muslims much more than anything American.
No room to list the proof, but here are a few: backing of Muslim Brotherhood, Benghazi -no help for Americans under attack, American sailors with Obama rules of engagement of “Stand Down and be captured” -who cares about the pride of American Soldiers?!, backing of Russia-Iran-Assad alliance, green light for Iran to keep on developing nuclear weapons and ICBM’s, Obama pushing one more Muslim traitor as a hero -Bergdahl, Gitmo closing, IRS cover-up -hClinton cover-up -gun running cover-up by Obama/Holder/Lynch controlled FBI, turning America over to Mexico by the open border and sanctuary cities, …., have to stop -or I would be writing a book series instead of a summary of Obama/rev Wright learned hate for America.
Crude Oil Price. Cheap oil is killing a lot of countries that depended on oil for all of the gov run basics of living -so tens of thousands of kids are dying of hunger in these countries -and democrats don’t care -except sending them a climate change book and a solar operated fan to eat.
Good old Muslims. Please explain the half million Muslims killed by Muslims in the last 7 years? Muslim religion is presently going off the chart as a sick evil religion -they can’t even live with each other. The only thing they agree on -is to flood the oil market -killing American oil and gas -bankruptcy and layoffs are coming to American and Canadian companies. Of course -many Americans don’t care -as heating and cooling bills are as close to free -as they will ever be.
All the Muslims killing each other and Americans -are Islamic terrorists –none of the be-headings, torture, killing of kids and unarmed people, women slavery and treated like property, -are from Baptists or atheists or Catholics. -Obama knows this -and seizes every opportunity to push the chaos in the world created by Muslims and the Islamic religion -which is why obama went to a mosque to push his sick case for importing Muslim refugees into America.
And the pathetic bSanders and hClinton follow Obama in lock-step –like the fools running a Hitler gas chamber -even right down to the letter of not being able to say “Islamic Terrorist”. did you get that?
btw, D Trump is the only candidate that has it close to right: Since Isis hates both the Iran Shitte (Shia) Muslims and the Sunni (Saudi Arabia) Muslims -we need to be careful about upsetting the balance of hate in the Mid-east (stay out of this Muslim Islamic -Koran based -civil war).
gotta run, here is a great video clip sizing up obama world -and soon you will have to dial “2” for English -if you are sill allowed that option:
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