N Korea and Iran are developing nuclear weapon arsenals -while husseinObama has American military weak, careless, vulnerable, -and in harm’s way -and American cities are not that far from nuclear attack -one clear threat is the first attack will be from a bought nuclear bomb.
hClinton/bSanders have no right to be on an American ballot: the hclinton bSanders promises of not exporting any illegals –and to carry on what the hell it was Obama was giving the Black community (unemployment -and killing each other -and drumming up hate for cops).
hClinton to never again to get one damn dime for her or bill speaking to wall street -or Saudi Arabia -or anywhere. The end of the Pay for Play Clinton foundation -which has been a sham 100’s of times worse than anything Madoff ever did.
A Trump victory could end the anti-American democrat party Iran deal, sanctuary cities, corrupt Lois Lerner IRS, importing of tens of thousands of Muslims with no vetting process, Benghazi hate of the American Soldier, sending our military men out with no rules of engagement –resulting in our Navy being humiliated by Iranian punks, …, these were all a direct result of Obama/hClilnton/Jkerry policy.
husseinObama hope and change? NO! More like 8 years of husseinObama Divide and Hate.
btw, hObama had the House (Pelosi) and the Senate (Reid) the last 2 years of Bush -plus Obama’s Fst 2 years of the Obama presidency -Democrats could have passed anything and everything –Democrats did not bring up immigration once -fixing immigration laws –Immigration Laws has been and always will be used as a tool to manipulate the Hispanic vote to vote for democrats.
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