DNC convention was bypassed in 2016 by a blm/naacp/hate trump/hate cops/hate America convention

DNC. Barack Hussein Obama.  Obama created Isis by ignoring all military and intel. Of course, Panetta is speaking at the DNC, -Panetta is as big a traitor to America as Obama/hClinton & everyone else in power -during the time Americans were under attack at Benghazi -and this bunch of traitors -only cared about winning the Obama re-election.

The bho 8 years has resulted in the most divided, hate filled, violent world -in the history of the world -the odds of nuclear weapons used in terrorist attacks and war, revolution in America much worse than Syria  -are the highest they have ever been  -just listen to anyone in military or security or fbi -that is not under the thumb of Obama.  America was not geared for a rev wright hater of America to be commander in chief.  Past world wars were nothing -compared to this world without America.

The DNC convention was bypassed in 2016 by a blm/naacp/hate trump/hate cops/hate America convention.  Winners are hate/divide in America, Mexican gov having taken over of all future voting in America -which is not real bright since every Hispanic country is ran by a socialist dictator/drug cartels/corrupt police -with most citizens living in poverty   –but if it is good for the democrat party power and votes -than count me in!!

Of course the dem convention is only about hate trump/hate cops/hate the evil white guy -rewrite history to claim the south created slavery, …   Dems have NO record of accomplishment on jack-anything -no lowering of coal emissions by china and India & all other countries,  -countries in NATO are now converting over to being run by Islamic radical punks that hate America,  Black crime and unemployment keep going up,  Obama/hClinton/democrats/media racism -has created the killing/assassination of cops -who will have to have a lawyer go with them to process any crime, economy has been propped up for 8 years with low interest rates and manipulation/printing of money -wall street should be at 30,000.  and the list goes on and on  –all the things the dem convention will not be talking about.

Joe Biden.  -says trump does not know foreign policy.   Trump -or any American -can see Americans under attack in a country made up of Islamic haters of life –calls for American military to act!   Not cowardly hide in a closet & check to see who survived the next day   –too complicated for you biden?   biden/hClinton/bho/Panetta/etc are traitors to every soldier that ever put on a uniform.

Michelle Obama:  So it went from only being proud of her country for first time at age 43 to don’t let anyone tell you this country isn’t great  -Which is it?   Obama/democrats have to get Clinton in the white house -or the truth on Benghazi, Libya, Syria, Iran, Islamic terrorism, deals cut to turn America over to Mexico and fund sanctuary cities, deals cut with wall street, Clinton fund, …,   all come to the light of day!

Democrats -the party of –use Watergate tactics to keep Bernie from getting votes -thru Debbie Wasserman Schulz & then hClinton hires Debbie Wasserman Schultz to a high position in her campaign -which is only fair since all tactics went thru hClinton.
s, you come up with such nutty opinions -of course the Bush family is not a Trump fan -D Trump made Jeb Bush & many republicans look like the waterboy -among guys that actually go out and battle.  Trump is a bit of a butt, but Trump is an American -and talks more truth than any politician -ever.

btw, Fareed Zakaria -one of the star anchors for CNN -is also a Muslim Islamic punk -who consistently seems to be a believer in the promotion of Islamic terror -as he does his act as an open journalist, -Obama and Fareed have a lot in common. Would be a good idea to vet Fareed and Hussein Obama for their belief in jihad, the caliphate, Sharia law.  It is the belief in jihad, the caliphate, and Sharia law that drives the Islamic killing of each other, their brother, their sister, anyone that gets in their way, -especially Christians, gays, little kids, Americans, priests, ….   got an idea, why don’t we import several hundred thousand islamic radicals to the US? surely none of them are subject to following their religion of jihad, caliphate, or sharia law.



