Meryl Streep = Anti-Life Bully for Hate!

Meryl Streep= Anti-Life Bully for Hate!

Proof:  supporting Obama for 8 years:  using hate of Trump to inspire harassment of Ivanka Trump by the gay community on an airplane, -hey, bullying is ok if we do it!

Using hate of life to never mention over 700 homicides in Chicago in 2016 -hey, Obama had Reid & Pelosi & the issue was never brought up!

Using hate of life as Obama looked the other way as Isis was created and funded by taking over 1/3 of Iraq!

Obama put Gitmo prisoners that killed American soldiers out free to kill again, -that only makes sense if you are a hater of life!

Using Hate of Life to fund Iran with $Zillions thru cash and removing trade sanctions to the most evil sponsor of terrorism on the planet  -justify that Hollywood leftists!  Or the Russian re-set as Russia takes over Ukraine and bonds with Assad and Iran to kill half a million citizens in Syria -justify that democrats?  hell no, you can’t.

Streep talks about kicking out foreigners  -while turning America over to the Mexican gov, Mexican drug cartels, and drug addiction!  How about just 1 of you cowardly Hollywood punks bringing up an issue in a truthful manner?  But you can’t, -you are so pissed that all your $Zillions and Lying went to a lost cause of h Clinton.

Or maybe more than that, –it was that your concerts, taking a knee, burning flags, lying, —giving America your advice  —behold!   -Many people did not listen to you!

Your Obama for 8 years motivated the assassination of cops, stirred up racial hate to the point of 4 blacks torturing a white kid that was already having mental problems –racial hate at its finest!

Meryl Streep would like nothing better than -the foreign press -or the UN -or any global society to RULE AMERICA  -Streept is a first class leader for the Obama doctrine:   Create chaos  -racial hate  -cop hate  -fund Islamic jihad, caliphate, sharia law  -use the press to bully the gay community, minorities, mentally challenged, etc.

M Streep, -you can k my butt -right there!   and take your hate to Canada –I’m sure conservatives will allow you to fly without being bullied, yelled at, & harassed!



