Baizuo means exclusiveness and anti-discrimination but cannot tolerate a difference of opinion (does that sound like anyone you know?). The Chinese internet uses Baizuo to describe the American Democrat party using affirmative action policies to discriminate against Asians (universities and corporations have been doing this for years with the help and money of the Democrat party. China laughs at Democrats for denying meritocracy (promotion due to merit, actual achievements) –good grief, the Chinese understand more about the basic freedoms that MADE AMERICA than Democrats!!
The above stat is in San Francisco –long before the Virus. In 2019, also before the Virus –there were 158 anti-Asian hate crimes –with 86% of those by African Americans. All of the FBI stats in 2020 and 2021 on Asians being attacked by African Americans show the same high percentage of Asians attacked by Afro-Americans. The point is none of this is caused by anyone saying China Virus. Even Dems know China intentionally spread the Virus to the world killing Millions and then never shared a shred of help to the world as to the origins, treatments, or vaccines. Also in 2019 FBI data shows 953 anti-Jewish hate crimes with rising numbers in 2020 and 2021 –nothing to do with Grant Stinchfield saying China Virus.
Baizuo is a Chinese word for using Wokeness to spread race hate.
Baizuo means exclusiveness and anti-discrimination but cannot tolerate a difference of opinion (does that sound like anyone you know?). The Chinese internet uses Baizuo to describe the American Democrat party using affirmative action policies to discriminate against Asians (universities and corporations have been doing this for years with the help and money of the Democrat party. China laughs at Democrats for denying meritocracy (promotion due to merit, actual achievements) –good grief, the Chinese understand more about the basic freedoms that MADE AMERICA than Democrats!!