_So this Obama Biden crew hate for Israel since 2008 pays off with 1000 Israelis dead and 3000 injured -as Iran’s Hamas attacks Israel with weapons PAID FOR by this Obama Biden crew!

So this Obama Biden crew hate for Israel since 2008 pays off with over 1000 Israelis dead and 3000 injured as Iran’s Hamas attacks Israel with weapons PAID FOR by this Obama Biden crew!  14 Americans confirmed dead and 21 missing.
+$6B to Iran as ransom,
+High oil prices making Iran rich -a direct result of the Obama Biden HATE for America including the Obama Biden War on American Energy.
+On day 1 Biden lifted SANCTIONS against Iran -Iran is selling more than 8x as much oil today as the last year under Pres Trump. Iran had no money to help Russia invade Ukraine OR attack Israel without the Biden oil $$Money!!!!
+In 2008 IRAN FIRST Obama removed Iran as being designated a Terrorist State -never mind Iran is responsible for most of our Vets maimed with IED bombs -killing over 600 US Soldiers  
+In 2016 IRAN FIRST Obama made the Fake Iran Nuclear Deal sending plane loads of cash to Iran AND set loose 5 Gitmo Terrorists who are today in charge of Afghanistan. 
+Radical Islam First Obama: In 2021 this Obama Biden crew made Afghanistan into a Sanctuary State for ALL radical Islam BETRAYING our Veterans who had won that war -leaving behind thousands of Intel Assets who were tortured and killed in front of their families.
+The Ukraine war was CAUSED by Obama: Obama did not send a single weapon to Ukraine as Putin took over Crimea in 2014 and again in 2021 this Hate America Obama Biden crew did not send a single weapon until Putin invaded.
+ISIS was created by Obama in 2013 when Obama ignored ISIS taking of a third of Iraq -all the time NEVER calling out ISIS as radical Islam as ISIS cut off the heads of Christians -all the time Obama never called the Christians by their faith -Christian.
+Obama celebrated the traitor and radical Islam Bowe Bergdahl at the White House -singing praises to radical Islam –Susan Rice called Bergdahl a HERO. 
+Iran First Obama had a “stand down” order that allowed Iran to capture our Naval military vessel –with Iran putting our Navy Sailors on their knees for an IRANIAN PHOTO OP! 
+Radical Islam First Obama issued a “stand down” at Benghazi so Obama would get re-elected -instead of sending in help for Americans who were being attacked by radical Islam for 13 hours –getting 4 Americans killed. +Obama made Libya a Sanctuary State for radical Islam by taking out Gaddafi in 2011 -one more war Obama CAUSED! 
+Obama did nothing as Russia and Iran killed half a million in Syria to keep Assad in power in 2014 -flooding Europe and the US with refugees who believe in Sharia Law and jihad.
+Obama’s mentor was Rev (gd America) Jeremiah Wright. The Obama circle of friends include Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has always openly hated Jews, White people, and the LGBT Community. +Radical Islam First Obama saw Boko Haram in 2014 kidnap and put into slavery 250 girls from a Christian school and Obama did Nothing! 

+Obama in 2008 -and every day since then -said Police are racist and America is racist -starting all the assassinations and hate on our Police!  
+This Obama Biden crew has the power of unlimited $$ with Soros paid off mayors and DA’s having destroyed any sense of safe streets in America.
+The Obama Biden judges and DA’s are every one racist hate America, hate God, hate our Veterans -paid for evil -may they rih.

+This Obama Biden crew created the terrorist gangs BLM and Antifa -all given free passes to kill, arson, loot, hijack cars, -whatever. At the same time putting in jail anyone who dares to disagree.

+One more war Obama caused: the Drug Cartels are killing over 100,000 Americans each year with drugs coming from China crossing the Obama Biden Open Border. Trump 500 illegals/day vs. Biden 11,000 illegals/day.

+This Obama Biden crew is PAYING UNVETTED ILLEGALS from all over the world to come to America -many are Drug Cartel, gang members, terrorists, convicts from jails, evil mentally disturbed killers,

-all guaranteed housing, food, education, cell phones, health care, lawyers, work permits, social security numbers, –AND Kamala Harris promises getting a driver’s license and voter registration in one trip! 

+Obama has always hated on God, America, Police, and Veterans: In 2008 Obama said in reference to the working class in Ohio: “And it’s not surprising they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

+Spitting in the face of Afghanistan Gold Star Families: This Obama Biden crew -after the bombing attack -has sent $2B to Afghanistan with $Billions more on track to go to Afghanistan -which is being disguised as AID -but goes directly to the Taliban Bosses.

+This Obama Biden crew BETRAYED NATO and ALL OF OUR ALLIES with traitorous acts including SNEAKING OUT OF Bagram in the dark of night.  Bagram was within striking distance of Russia and China -WAS BY FAR OUR MOST IMPORTANT MILITARY BASE IN THE WORLD.

+Obama Biden WAR ON AMERICAN ENERGY PAYS FOR CHINA, RUSSIA, and IRAN to kill Americans, +go to war, +and build better weapons than America 
+Russia and China have hypersonic drones and missiles -which we can’t defend & WE ARE ON COURSE TO BE DESTROYED as the country with hypersonic weapons wins future wars without America firing a shot. America has no hypersonic drones and missiles.

+Iran First Obama is making Iran rich with high oil prices while Iran is sending thousands of deadly drones to Russia to kill Ukrainians.

+The FAKE MILLIE AIRLIFT did not save but a few Americans and Afghans who helped us –INSTEAD those airlifted were 95% VETTED BY THE TALIBAN because they are radical Islam sworn to kill Americans OR the Taliban would not have let them in the airport to leave. Milley never VETTED ANYBODY -Milley is an evil liar.

+This Obama crew forced 20M Afghan women under Obama Radical Islam Slave Labor –women and children are treated as merchandise and slaves –clear proof this Obama Biden crew are just evil and hate America.

+Obama on a hot mike told Russia he would dismantle the US missile defense if Russia would help Obama win re-election in 2012.

+Obama Democrats and Teacher Unions have made China #1 in education -and America 28th -because Chinese kids are more patriotic, work harder, and get rewarded for high grades in math and science, ..

+America is a failed state today being run by those promoted for color, gender, and lowered standards INSTEAD of ability, character, love of God & Country, and respect for our Veterans. 
+The Teacher Unions have worked directly with the DOJ and FBI to call out Parents as TERRORISTS AND at the same time IGNORING the violent attacks on Pro-life organizations. 

Teacher Unions and the lying CCP/Obama Biden ASSETS Fauci and Birx directly caused the deaths of thousands of Americans +by LYING about the origins of the VIRUS, +how it spreads, +and flip flopping every week on masks and vaccine MANDATES! -and held kids out of school for almost 2 years mandating vaccines and masks!

 Anyone not calling the Chinese Virus the Chinese Virus –is sickChina killed over a Million Americans WITH THE VIRUS CHINA CREATED AND SPREAD TO THE WORLD.

+The Teacher Unions have worked directly with the Obama Biden crew to make WOKE, CRT, and EQUITY HATE rule the American Education System:  Teaching RACISM, PRONOUNS, and surgery to change sex for children is sick and evil.

American aircraft carriers need to be put in mothballs!! -the hypersonic drones and missiles China and Russia have can take out an aircraft carrier with all 130 planes still sitting on the deck –America has no defense to the Russian and Chinese hypersonic missiles and drones.

The reason Israel was caught ASLEEP was the same reason America is asleep right now -all of our FBI, DOJ, DHS, DOD, DIA, NGA, NSA, NRO –ARE LED BY WOKE and worthless incompetent thugs: as a direct result of the Biden Obama MANDATE that all promotions and hiring be based on color, gender, and lowered standards INSTEAD of ability, character, love of God & Country, and respect for our Veterans. AND our security agencies have been focused for almost 7 YEARS now on stopping Trump from turning back the Obama Biden crew, establishment, and media –control and power in America!

10/7/23 marks the largest attack on Israel since the Holocaust killing over 600 Israelis and injuring over 2000 Israelis. Hamas attacked Israel using ISIS TACTICS -throwing grenades and machine gun fire into the music festival gathering -killing 260 men, women, and kids. Hamas attacked several Israeli cities shooting civilians on site and dragging hostages out of their homes.

Several American were killed and many were kidnappedwhich with an actual American President would have had American Hostage Rescue Special Forces on the ground immediately on Oct 7th -instead Biden was having a barbecue at the White House to fund raise and celebrate the successes of the Biden last 3 years.
This Biden Obama crew will not respond with military forces in Israel to rescue our Americans because this Obama crew would never raise a finger against the Iran/ Hamas/ Hezbollah Islamic jihad on Israel -which btw is the same as the Islamic jihad on America.

Biden does not stand with Israel -Biden just reads the script handed to him -the Obama crew from 2008 is running America -meaning this Biden Obama crew will CONTINUE ALLOWING $10 Billion/month in oil sales to finance this Hamas attack and Iran’s eventual sending nuclear missiles at America.

Just because Iran has not publicly displayed nuclear missiles does not mean anything -as Iran already has long range missile capability -all Iran needs is to add on the nuclear warheads -which Iran can get from Russia and China.

The Obama crew Stooge -Joe Biden -spent parts of the last 3 days with Sp Counsel Robt Hur -planning the best cover-up of Biden using classified documents for the last 2 decades to get bribe money from China, Ukraine, Russia, and Kazakhstan -which has already been proven with eye witnesses and bank records.

+So on 10/10/23 this low life Obama Biden crew STILL HAS NOT FROZE THE $6B to Iran! Trump MADE SANCTIONS against Iran AND ENFORCED SANCTIONS against Iran -Trump had driven Iran to bankruptcy -Biden was elected and IGNORED ALL SANCTIONS pushing the estimated 2023 revenue to $100B! This $100B Dollars GIFT TO IRAN CAUSED THE HAMAS ATTACK ON ISRAEL.

Obama made a 2 minute speech on Sat, and then 3 days later speaks 20 min & DID NOT SAY THE WORD IRAN!!! Obviously the speech was written by the IRAN FIRST OBAMA CREW.

The Islamic jihad and Sharia Law’s most sacred goal -is to Kill/ Eliminate Israel and America) is already out in force protesting for Palestinians –Palestinians today are the same as Hamas -they are cult haters of Israelis and Americans.

I lost ALL respect for Palestinians when they CELEBRATED the Hamas inhuman attacks on unarmed men, women, and kids -even cutting up babies. In the village of Kfar Aza 10% of the population -avg age about 25, was burned to death, babies mutilated and many babies had their heads cut off.

Many of these hate America radical Islam are in populations that elected Joe Bidenwhich is insane that someone can vote in America who believes in the cult fake religion of jihad against America.

The Squad are radical Islam haters of America and Israel in their own words supporting Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah. These are low life evil who should be kicked out of America: Ilhan Omar, AOC, Ayanna Pressley, Rashida Tlaib, Jamaal Bowman, Cori Bush, Greg Casar, Summer Lee, -may the lot of them rih. And that’s the short list of radical Islam taking over leadership of America.
There were 260 dead found at the music festival site in Israel. Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, and their supporters -including the squad -are guilty of murder.

So the Obama/ James Clyburn hand picked stooge Joe Biden has a barbecue with a live band, lobbyists, and fundraising on Sat, takes off Sunday and Columbus Day -refusing to speak about the Israeli war.

14 Americans are dead, 21 Americans have been taken hostage -and Biden’s reaction is HIDING AND PARTYING. Every second that passes after Americans are taken hostage means torture and death.
A REAL PRESIDENT would have had American Forces on the ground in Israel last Saturday to assist Israel in killing ISIS -HAMAS IS ISIS: +dragging women naked thru the street, +raping, +killing kids in front of their parents and then kidnapping the parents to be tortured and held hostage, +slaughter at a music festival leaving 260 dead -ALL unarmed -mainly young kids, +taking videos of cutting the heads off of Israeli Soldiers and shooting a 3 year old in the head while shouting “Allahu Akbar”.
The first wave of Hamas attacks killed over 1000 Israelis with over 3000 wounded -with probably 95% of those being civilians -many killed in their homes, some burned to death in their homes. It is sad that media never shows the most horrific acts -with Hamas actually filming themselves -and bragging about how morally superior they are!
Many Israeli families were executed after having their hands tied together. Hamas celebrated mutilated bodies dragging them thru the streets -cheering the success of this butchering of human life.

So here is Jake Sullivan, Natl Security Advisor for the Obama Biden crew ONLY 6 DAYS AGO SAYING THE MIDEAST HAD NEVER BEEN MORE QUIET!

Sad that so many on FB care more about the NUMBER of friends rather than friends who believe God, America, and respect for what our Veterans died for is worth fighting for!! About 95% of FB believe if you are kind to evil OR ignore evil -things will all be good -to look the other way and not support God and what is right won’t get you into the grace of Heaven.

Who is the radical Islam this Obama Biden crew rewarded the whole country of Afghanistan? +9-11 killed 3000, +Boston Bombing killed 3 and wounded 281, +Orlando nightclub shooting killed 49, +1993 World Trade Center, +2015 San Bernardino attack killed 14 fellow employees, +Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida 3 killed, 14 shot, +Brooks drove an SUV into a Christmas Parade killing 6 and injuring 55 -was radical Islam and a black supremacist, -just 7 examples of hundreds of radical Islam and black supremacist deadly attacks. Many attacks were radical Islam that were successfully hidden by the powerful: Las Vegas country music attack in 2017 killed 60 and wounded 413. The shooter had all of his personal records just disappear.


