Harris or Michelle -makes zero difference -Nothing Changes! The same Obama crew from 2008 will still be in charge!

All of media is a waste of time -keep talking nonsense -will Biden step down? THAT DECISION WAS MADE BY OBAMA 3 MONTHS AGO
-Biden will be replaced by Harris or Michelle -makes zero difference -NOTHING CHANGES, the same Obama crew from 2008 will still be in charge
-the same Obama crew who in the last 3 years brought you:

[[Afghanistan killing 13 US Soldiers and leaving behind thousands of Americans, Afghan Assets, Christians -to be tortured and killed in front of their families

[[Ukraine war started by Obama in 2014 when Putin took Crimea and Obama did not send a single weapon and again in 2022 Obama saw 150,000 Russian Military at the border of Ukraine and Obama did NOTHING

[[Hamas torture/ rape/ killing of 1200 Israelis -100% paid for by Obama sending Iran $16B in frozen cash and $240B in oil revenue

[[Nuclear war will come before Jan 2025: Obama gave Ukraine the ok to use US cluster bombs on Russian facilities in Crimea -Putin deployed submarines and ships -all carrying nuclear weapons -to the coast of Florida getting ready for nuclear war.
RF Kennedy says Russia has more modern nuclear weapons than America. ALL of our Intel shows China is mass producing hypersonic nuclear drones and missiles WHILE America is only TESTING modern nuclear weapons
and only TESTING hypersonic nuclear drones and missiles.
This whole Obama crew are traitors to America and deserve a bullet in their left eye:

[[This Obama crew has forced Russia, China, Iran, N Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, .. -into an alliance against America -what kind of sick demented evil does that?! -forcing the world into nuclear war –THAT WOULD BE OBAMA -we are close to the destruction of America and -everybody keeps saying Biden.

[[Who would have our college professors teach kids to back Hamas and the Palestinians who celebrated the torture and death of 1200 Israelis on 10/7/23 & scream and carry signs saying “Death to America!” and “Death to Jews!”? -THAT WOULD BE OBAMA and the Obama Democrats -including the Democrat Media.

[[IRAN FIRST OBAMA has given Iran a Free Pass to kill as many Israelis and Americans as they care to: 3 US Soldiers killed with an Iranian drone in Jordan 1/28/24 & 2 Navy Seals drowned in a boarding operation in the Red Sea 1/11/24. Iran was bankrupt because of the Trump Sanctions and IRAN FIRST OBAMA on Jan 2021 dropped all sanctions and rewarded Iran with $16B in frozen cash and over $200B in oil $Money to fund 100% of the Iran attack on Israel 10/7/23.

[[In 2020 Obama stole the 2020 election: Using the 51 Intel Agents and the Dem Media to lie to America saying the Hunter Laptop was fake.

[[Obama Democrats will never allow your vote to count: The 2020 election was decided by 48,000 votes -that is .03% or .0003 of the total vote. There has never been a study of mail out ballots that did not show election fraud of at least 10%!
Our Supreme Court and Obama Controlled Congress is worthless

-if one vote –if one vote does not count and it could be fixed -then why not fix it?!
Paper Ballots & ID and voting ONLY on election day and the day before -not complicated -and CAN BE AUDITED. You can’t audit mail out ballots -an audit would just be re-counting the same fake ballots.

[[Obama and Eric Holder in 2008 and ever since then -to this day -say America is racist and our Police are racist. Obama’s hero and mentor was “g d America” Rev Jeremiah Wright. The Obama circle of friends include Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has always openly hated Jews, White people, and the LGBT Community.

[[Obama has always hated on God, America, Police, and Veterans: In 2008 Obama said in reference to the working class in Ohio: “And it’s not surprising they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”


