As predicted Kendra Horn is out with an avalanche of false political advertising

As predicted Kendra Horn is out with an avalanche of false political advertising to offset the obvious -control of her vote by democrat money -to vote for whatever is dictated –such as impeachment.  If Horn was working for Americans  -than prescription drugs, USMCA, fixes to Obama-Care, etc,  –would have all been voted in a year ago instead of the day after the sham impeachment sort of wrapped up.

How ridiculous for Horn and other democrats to be taking credit for any part of USMCA  -or most anything that has actually moved under Trump –such as prescription drugs, -takes a lot of money to make a corrupt politician look worthy of a vote.

Meanwhile, as Horn and the democrat party spent a year blocking legislation for all of America  –this Christmas America is enjoying the Greatest Time to be an American -with wages up, jobs up, savings up 50% in 3 years, retirement funds becoming solvent, a president that has restored our American Military, -well, you get it…
Merry Christmas to America !! ?



