Category: Legal Voting
The fact is -an easy remedy exists –just order Audits of All Battleground States. If Democrat Systemic Voter Fraud is going on –the vote can be corrected and a Legal President will emerge America can rally behind!!
The fact is -an easy remedy exists –just order Audits of All Battleground States. If Democrat Systemic Voter Fraud is going on –the vote can be corrected and a Legal President will emerge –anything short of that has forever destroyed America with a 1 party system of Democrats-Media. Some of the problems are +changing the…
This election is in the process of being stolen -based on counting ballots without a republican being able to see the ballot
The total number of votes that separated the winning margins for Biden –even including ALL of the fraudulent and illegal voting for all of the so-called battleground states is still less than 100,000 votes total –this demands an audit in each and every one of those states –OR America can safely predict we will never…
Map showing in Blue the super-rich high-population part of America that BOUGHT THE 2020 ELECTION!! Red is mainly the less populated Conservative, Republican, Christian, -hard working Back of America!!
Map showing in Blue the super-rich high-population part of America that BOUGHT THE 2020 ELECTION!! Red is mainly the less populated Conservative, Republican, Christian, -hard working Back of America!! This map also shows where a lot of America gets ALL of their news without regard to the truth –Democrats just follow the Democrat Media Propaganda…
Digital Voting gets rid of the corruption and bias, -and you get results on Election Day! Who would not want that?! Why is Legal Voting not allowed by Democrats?!
If you love Chaos Elections –vote for Democrats! Democrats will never allow Voter ID. Any American Citizen could vote from anywhere in the world from his/her phone –if Democrats cared about Legal Voting!! You could use the same technology used to pay a bill with your credit card –all Americans should carry a Passport Card…