Democrat Debate: Questions Never Asked -much less getting an Answer

Where was the question/guarantee on what each would do -to make sure the 10,000 to 200,000 Muslim refugees that Obama/all democrats -want in America –are going to ignore their religion for a few months, a few years, -and then kill anyone who does not believe in their religion?

Where was the question on how each would stop the insanity of Mexico having taken over America -with sanctuary cities that ignore federal law -to assist/hide/protect illegals -including illegals who are part of drug cartels, those convicted of violent crime, …  Would you support Kate’s Law?

Would you keep on with the deals cut (by the Obama crew) with the Mexican gov (drug cartels) -to import illegals into every city in America -for the sole purpose of bumping up the democrat voting base -and power?  And from the Mexican side -an obvious takeover of America.

Do you think Mexico should be imposed with a tax or tariff for importing illegals -for the express purpose of taking over American cities and America?  The Mexican gov only operates 1 direction –helping illegals get into America -and get back into America (the exact same as democrats).

Do you feel any regret for the Obama crew/h Clinton/biden/Kerry/all democrats   -ignoring American military -and letting Isis take over 1/3 of Iraq -before Obama started his round of fake actions to help Iraq -or anyone -fight back.

Obama did not arm the folks that -at the time -were strong enough to eliminate Isis and Assad -and prevent the 250,000 killed and millions of refugees.   but then, -maybe that was not an important question -for a democrat of 2015.

Do you think Russia/Iran/Assad should take any responsibility for the millions of refugees they have created -maybe pay for their being settled in a bordering country -maybe pay for the war crimes of killing defenseless citizens (in many cases) and the use of chemical weapons.  What a joke to think Obama/democrats/media   -has any moral fiber.

One obvious question:  What would you do in the face of the Russia/Iran/Assad alliance -taking over parts of the Mideast -and churning out millions of Muslim refugees -to flood the world with the Muslim religion of killing -when they decide it is required!?  Did Obama giving Iran $150 Billion –promote peace in the world?   Is Iran known for creating peace?

Maybe the highlight of the democrat debate was the biggie horse laugh over the h Clinton emails!  Folks, there are no emails -h Clinton destroyed them  -she only turned over 50,000 pages of edited typed documents  -which don’t have the truthful accurate dna of an email.  This is the h Clinton version of TRANSPARENCY.

Hamas is pushing Palestinian people/kids/whoever -into killing Israelis
–and the Obama crew sides with Hamas   -the Obama crew/h Clinton/j Kerry/j Biden are evil liars -they have no soul or place in America.  America was once known to lead the world in telling the truth -and calling out evil in the world.  Under the democrats of 2015 -American leaders and therefore half of America -are seen by the world to be lying, -supporting the hate that causes killing in the name of Muslim radicals.

Social Security cost of living increase?  NEVER in the last 40 years has there been NO cost of living increase for social security -until Hussein Obama took office.  And democrats have pulled it off for a 3rd time now!!    2010, 2011, & 2015

Surely the $ Trillions spent for the spendulus, Gruber-care, and the manipulation of money to keep interest rates close to zero and run up the national debt at more than double the rate of president Bush  -surely, all of that would have the American economy booming!?

Why was the Benghazi site NEVER SECURED?  There was no immediate investigation of the Benghazi attack -because the Obama crew spit in the face of those Americans killed -and every American that ever put on the uniform.  To not immediately secure the site -to get the evidence required to pursue those that killed our Americans –is the act of a traitor.

I could go on down the hate cards played by Obama/democrats, -but will end with the democrat hate for cops, -claiming cops are racists, -giving support to Black Lives Matter, Ferguson, & on and on.

gotta go,  democrats and most all of media -are all celebrating the great democrat debate  -give me a break  -where were the real issues and the real problem solving!?






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