Obama uses 100,000 Illegals as Human Shields to get a bigger percent of Hispanics to vote for Democrats

Obama uses 100,000 illegals as human shields to get a bigger percent of Hispanics to vote for Democrats,  -Just as Hamas uses kids as human shields to place rockets and caves -Obama uses kids as human shields for political gain.  And, it works.  All illegals should be given first class treatment and a first class plane ticket back home to be united with their families.  And change the laws to stop all the free stuff after 2 months, -if the illegals have not showed up for court -and been documented -and checked for diseases -the free stuff ends & they are sent home.

Of course, won’t happen with Obama democrats in desperate need of the Hispanic vote.  Interesting time in history when a Country (America) paid to have the Hispanic population be given America on a silver platter.  The number of illegals and part illegal is closer to 80 million in America -and more and more are strategically being place in cities around the US.
Obama controls the numbers that are being given out to the public & Obama
is lying.

Obama, Jarrett, Holder, & a few others are haters of America.  There is no lack of interest, no lack of not knowing what is going on, no lack of smart -This crew is the most successful ever to turn America into a country of hate and division -and led around by the nose on left anti-American propaganda.

and Holder, it ain’t got nothing to do with skin color -you and Obama and the
rest are yellow -yellow lying cowards in the hate America mold of rev wright,

Obama has sided with:
Any group or country that kills Christians, esp when the Muslims are doing the killing.

Any group or country that hates America, such as Obama sleeping with Putin -we could have given weapons to Ukraine & none of this war would have take
place.  Obama, Kerry, H Clinton are traitors to America  -taking away
sanctions against Iran so they can continue with making nuclear material &
giving Russia a free pass to support Syria killing hundreds of thousands and
creating millions of refugees.

Well, the list is way too long.  Summing up, Obama plays every hate card known to man -to create hate and division in America.

To Obama and the new age of spineless democrats -it’s all about gov control
thru Obama-care, spendulus, illegals, epa, irs, etc etc.  Anyone not on board to impeach Obama after Benghazi -Obama sleeping thru the attack -to fly to a fund raiser in Las Vegas the next day -& then never securing the site.  No American pres and secy of state has ever committed such an act of cowardice and treason.

Obama white house directing the bastards of the irs to get him re-elected -using the fbi and other gov organizations to destroy evidence is one of hundreds of acts of being a traitor by Obama.

but Obama wins, goes to play golf -& laughs at the advice from the news
anchors.  People don’t get it  -Obama wins when there is chaos, controversy,
hate mongering, division,  -the Obama doctrine.

and one last word for the pathetic cries for taking care of the humanitarian
crisis at the border:  As stated in the title -Obama is packing Hispanic and Muslim radicals into America to beef up the Hispanic and Muslim vote in America for Democrats.  If you cared about torture, sex trafficking,
child abuse, drug cartels working with Obama and the Mexican president to pack illegals into America -then you would kinda want it to stop.  Well, I don’t know, if you are Hispanic or Muslim -and you get America on a silver platter with free stuff like health, education, citizenship, free Obama money and cell phones  -not a bad deal.

Obama has spit in the face of every American soldier that ever put the uniform on -giving up 5 of the worst terrorists in history against
America for a deserter & then singing praise in a photo op to the folks that killed 2000 American soldiers in Afghanistan under the Obama presidency.






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