So Biden attends a Dignified Transfer of the 3 dead Army killed in Jordan -IGNORING the over 30 injured during that attack -IGNORING the 2 Navy Seals we lost in the Red Sea.
Why does the media not carry the pain and heartache of the families of the Navy Seals?!
Of course even the respect for the 3 army killed will only last for 1 day -and the 13 killed and 50 injured in Afghanistan -the media will never hold this Iran First Obama Biden crew in it’s 3rd Term RESPONSIBLE for anything.
One reason the Iran First Obama Biden crew 3rd term will not kill/ harm/ upset/ bother -the Iranian leaders is the price of oil –To destroy the ability of Iran to produce oil and gas -would mean gasoline in America would be $10/gallon AND keep Biden from re-election!
Iran, the Mideast, Russia, Venezuela -are FLOODING the world with oil and gas -which lowers the price of crude oil -which lowers the price of gasoline in America -which helps get Biden re-elected. Iran, Russia, the Mideast -are not stupid -all they have to do is continue flooding the world with oil and gas & their lackeys Obama Biden 3rd Term get re-elected in Nov.
The IRAN FIRST/ ISLAM FIRST Obama Biden crew 3rd term just stopped exports of American LNG to Europe.
American LNG exports to Europe makes America $$Dollars INSTEAD OF MAKING RUSSIA, IRAN, AND VENEZUELA SUPER RICH.
getting zero respect -we did lose 2 Navy Seals!!