Memorial Day 2016 -supporting hClinton or bSanders -is to spit in the face of the American Soldier

First, only a few good Americans have a clue what Memorial Day means anymore -for sure the spoiled pc punks behind hClinton and bSanders are clueless.
The only way America can be turned around is a Draft -every beating heart gets drafted -no exceptions -one year of active duty service -including 8 weeks of basic training -including KP.  After the basic duty 8 weeks, the individual can choose a non-combat role -or try to get into a combat role.  Combat roles being entirely dependent on the mission commanders deciding who they want to fight -completely free of punks like bho and hClinton -that want the American military to be filled on pc hate card quotas -instead of ability.
Military Service would eliminate ptsd, as your friends and neighbors will have been thru some of the same battles that you went thru -which is why Israel -has a capable military and a strong country.

Very racist that Black support Democrats after all the damning track record of hate America acts -including teaching the Black community to hate cops, Black unemployment to go up under 8 years of bho, importing of Muslims with no vetting process, Benghazi Americans under attack -and the Obama response was a shell game with American assets -with no help ever intended for those Americans, trading 5 terrorists for a deserter, surrender of a naval vessel to Iran, ….  Surrender of a naval vessel to Iran is typical of Democrats -if a US fighting force is in harm’s way -surrender should not be an option -or you have no American Military.

Hispanic all into “How dare you not have open borders, free citizenship birther law for illegals (the dumbest law on the books, -eliminate this insane law & you don’t even have to build a fence!),
“How dare you not let Mexico continue taking over America with the Democrat Open Border Policy?!”, how dare you break up families? -never mind that we Hispanic send hundreds of thousands of kids over into America without family -for the sole purpose of bringing to America all of their families.  and on and on.
“How dare you take away the rights of illegals to free citizenship, an interpreter, free education, free healthcare, free police protection, …?!”

Barring a nuclear war, -the Hispanic takeover of America is a done deal  -Hispanic make up 20% of the vote in America in 2015 and that will grow to close to 30% by Nov of 2016.  The Hispanic love the idea of Democrats giving up America to Mexico -which is insane -Hispanic have ruined every country south of Texas, & now control enough Democrats to make America look like Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, ….

You ask what is wrong with Mexico?  nothing, but the most corrupt and feared police on the planet -one of the most corrupt socialist dictator governments, and several drug cartels that are as evil as Isis.
Hispanic have the nerve -to choose America to live & then come here as illegals -demanding their rights
-most not coming to be an American -but coming to be a Hispanic taking over America.

And then you have the clueless pc White American punk -never in the military, -never really had a job, -but thinks a socialist dictatorship under hClinton or bSanders is the way to go.  Of course I did just describe barackObama.

hClinton and bSanders are for socialist dictatorship government -gov with its controls into everything.  This is exactly what American Soldiers have fought against in every conflict -makes no difference if Russia/Iran/Syria alliance -or Isis -or al Qaeda -or all those African tribes -has a lot of Muslim Islamic Terrorists -it’s still socialist dictator governments running things.
Of course, the Muslim Islamic can turn on a dime and believe in the caliphate -and randomly start killing un-armed people.

Memorial Day 2016 -supporting hClinton or bSanders -is to spit in the face of the American Soldier



