No Veteran is not furious at watching the Taliban parading caskets covered with American Flags, using US Weapons to kill Americans, Interpreters, .. –Taliban wearing US Soldier Uniforms using US Weapons –going door to door killing any and all Americans and their families who helped us –I don’t know if God has ever seen such a betrayal.

No Veteran is not furious at watching the Taliban parading caskets covered with American Flags, using US Weapons to kill Americans, Interpreters, .. –Taliban wearing US Soldier Uniforms using US Weapons –going door to door killing any and all Americans and their families who helped us –I don’t know if God has ever seen such a betrayal.
There is not one single part of the Biden plan, decisions, -that could not have been written any better if Russia, Iran, Syria, Pakistan, China, Taliban, Isis, al Qaeda, had made all of the planning and decisions –this is no coincidence –when there are 500 decisions by Biden and 500 out of 500 are designed to kill Americans and Interpreters, Christians, anyone who helped America,..
+We know Biden did this to protect his family from Russian and Chinese evidence of Biden taking one payoff after the other (blackmail). For whatever motivation: Biden is a traitor and deserves a firing squad immediately.
+Just because you Democrat voters don’t see the horror going on as the Taliban goes door to door torturing and killing and taking 10 year old girls for brides, -just because you Democrat voters don’t see the thousands of men, women, and kids screaming and begging for their lives –does not mean the blood is –not on you. God sure sees it –to ignore the evil that you caused is sick.
+Why has Ghani been protected by this Biden Staff and media? Veterans want a bullet in his left eye, Intel from this guy would explain a lot too.
+Milley and Austin are cowards and traitors: They are the last voice of the US Soldier and they just put their heads up Biden’s butt and went with it, their job is to make sure the US Soldier is on the right mission –not one of betraying America, Interpreters, NATO, Christians, Allies, Intel Sources, the Afghan Army,..
+Don’t be thanking a Veteran or playing like you care: America just betrayed and gave up thousands of Intel Sources -and the rest of the world Intel will never Trust America again: What fool would help an America that gives out the ID’s of those left behind to the Taliban?!
+How sick is this Biden Staff to scream success for the last several months when their one and only bragging point was relocating 125,000 Taliban vetted radical Islam to America –with plans to chain migrate in 20 times that.