Obama Nation

Obama Nation
A nation run by the left media propaganda machine of Obama democrats.  A nation that lies about -and pushes for hate of any Black, Woman, or Hispanic -that takes a different opinion than barrack hussein Obama.  Any Black, Woman, or Hispanic that runs for the republican party are real American heroes, –they have to endure the hate from Obama democrat media.  From day 1, Obama and biden and carter and clinton and most all democrats -said any Obama opposition was racist.  Obama and carter and clinton are lying -I don’t even know any conservatives or tea party that are racist.  Racism in America could have gone away a long time ago, -except for those who need it to run for office -Obama, reid, pelosi, biden, schumer, -the Obama democrats.  Electing leaders that live racism to get elected is not exactly a way to end up with an America that is not more divided than at any time in history.

1   Yeah, be nice, Obama re-elected -never mind that Obama lied -before, during, and after -the Benghazi attack.  And spit on the right of free speech at the UN blaming a video, -not the job of an American prez to fan the flames of terrorists that hate America.
Obama is the Coward in Chief.  Obama traded our finest 4 American heroes for re-election
, -Obama running to Las Vegas to campaign and lied about the whole thing for 2 months to get thru the election -with the full blessing of all of media.  When you can elect a prez that a slug like bill maher backs, -you pretty much swapped out America for a leftist gov control society.

2   Even from day 1 of the last 4 years:  If you disagree with Obama, you are a racist.

3   Hispanic.  Free citizenship, health care, education, whatever -if you vote democrat.  Never mind Obama gov laws trumping your religion -and Legal Immigrants going to the back of the bus.  The Obama open border policy works until America elects a gov dictator -and then the wheels come off -and the check won’t be in the mail -for any of us.  But wait, -said gov dictator just won re-election.  I notice no matter the record, the ability, the character, -of a candidate -the race card seems to get bad folks elected into gov -who really never gave a damn about the issue, -but just used it -to get elected (enter Obama).
The most corrupt law in the history of America for votes was the Obama executive order giving any illegal who came into the country at a younger age an exception for deportation -August 17, 2012 -about 3 months before the Nov 6, 2012 election.  There is no 2 party system in America, there is no 1 party system in America -Obama does as he pleases as the first gov dictator in America with the total support of Democrats -and the total support of 1 media -no different than Russia, Cuba, or Venezuela.  The Congress and Senate were supposed to be part of the legal process, but Obama bypasses the Constitution anytime an opportunity to gain power comes into play.
Don’t get me wrong, -I approve of laws that are fair, -and especially for the young Hispanic that is getting an education and working.  But Obama only knows the path to control people for power -or Obama and democrats would have fixed immigration laws when they had the White House, Senate, and House -in 2009 and 2010.  But then Obama could not have won the 2012 election with an executive order if fair immigration laws had been passed in 2009.
Barack Hussein Obama bought the 2012 election with my tax money by the executive order 3 months before the election -not the action of an honorable man.  The Obama cult will not be celebrating when American lives are being lost by the hundreds of thousands because Obama and staff are lying cowards and the world knows it.  Russia, Iran, China, Pakistan, Mexico, Syria, N Korea, Venezuela, etc. -they all see what Americans can’t see -because American media has no-one willing to call out the Obama failures and lying and …
   Why not make Mexico a state?  Mexico is a beautiful country with great people.  That would be a lot more honest than buying the 2012 presidential election with an Obama executive order.   And then the Afro-Americans that vote 90% Obama  based on color, and the Hispanic that voted 70% Obama based on free stuff -would have to sway the White voters.  Instead, today the Black and the Hispanic and the White sheep led by the Left Media all voted for Obama.  Then maybe we could quit the afro, black, hispanic, white crap and start voting for the best guy to lead America.  Romney and Ryan were the 2 best leaders the free world has ever seen, and America let the left media propaganda machine vote for you.  Deal with it!
+++ you know Obama bought the election 3 months before the election -with an executive order to give more stuff to Hispanics, -this time all the kids that are here illegally  –Hispanics are elated (voted 70% Obama), just keep flooding into America and Obama gives them health care, citizenship, whatever.
Left media has destroyed any truth in news, -Benghazi is classic left media -writing any lie for Obama.  60 minutes edited out part of an interview with Obama the day after Benghazi in which Obama said he did not know if it was a terrorist attack -yet in the debate Obama and the leftist anchor (crawley -leftist Obama cult anchor from cnn) put down Romney saying Obama did say it was a terrorist attack in the morning of 9-12-12 -and the crowd in the room all applauded -to a lie, yeah applauded to a lie -nothing rigged about the leftist moderators and moderators picking questions and …
   Benghazi is tip of the evil to be set off by barack hussein Obama.  I pretty much think God sees what all of us saw with Obama team watching the Benghazi attack for 9 hours and trading 4 American heroes for re-election.  and no one in America is upset -just re-elect the guy -left media has destroyed America -and I don’t think God is going to stand with a country that wants an Obama to re-set America to a total breakdown of any moral character -as well as financial and military meltdown to make us all equal.  Equal in dead or poverty was not a good choice for president.+++

4   Gay.  Obama “evolves” for gay marriage 3 months before the election.  What difference does it make if re-election trumps Obama’s religious views?  The presiding gov mandating law to force the population what to believe in -is a shaky road to be on, and these laws will not carry over when America is lost -due to Obama bowing down to Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela, …, -cutting military spending by a $Trillion, all the world seeing Obama as a coward for 9 hours during the Benghazi attack, …
But therein is the reason Obama plays the race card, the gay card, the evil rich card, the hate of free enterprise card, -to divide America and seize the power created by a leftist gov takeover media.  I notice no matter the record, the ability, the character, -of a candidate -the gay card gets bad folks elected into gov -who really never gave a damn about the issue, but just used it -to get elected (enter Obama).
If you are the politically correct voter who sees the gay card (gay marriage is generally the big issue), and you go campaign hate stuff about the opponent -than your are one more dumb sheep -working for the gov dictator (Obama).  Guess what, sometimes the guy running for gov office only used the gay card to get elected and really could give a damn about gay marriage.  I have not said if I would vote for gay marriage or not, -so don’t be all upset with me, -and I am not running for a gov job.

5   Seniors.  What difference does it make if Obama takes $700 Billion out of Medicare to fund Obama-care?  Seniors are dumb as h to be part of the AARP Obama propaganda machine.

6   Obama-care.  Who gets what care and when -soon to be decided by Obama czars, –Good Luck.

7   America had no chance after 2008, -the left media had 95% of media.  You don’t make a search on the internet and find any truth, -it’s all Huffington post, media matters, cnbc, msnbc, abc, cbs, nbc, soros backed web sites, slugs of cable like bill maher, …, -well -you get it.

8   Can a leftist gov control liar like Putin, or rather -Obama -succeed in destroying free enterprise and freedom in America?  Tough call, -free enterprise and those that understand and love freedom from a gov dictator -will eventually fight back thru the lies of the Obama cult media and win America back -we pray.

9   What the h is the Obama cult so proud of?
*Lying about “inheriting a mess”:  Obama, Reid, Pelosi, -all the Obama dems, -controlled the House and Senate in 2007 and 2008 having as much to do with the financial meltdown as anyone.

*Those on food stamps going from 20 million to 50 million.  What the h is the Obama cult goal for the next 4 years?  -Maybe 100% of Americans on food stamps?

*Unemployment at 23 million.

*1 in 6 in poverty.
*Save American auto industry -Not hardly, Chrysler is owned by Fiat and has plans to make jeeps in China.  Ford did just fine without Obama -as well as all the other car companies in America.
*Debt.  Debt is going up TWICE as fast as it did under Bush.
*Bush.  8 years of unemployment at 5%, -avg under Obama is 8.5% for 4 years.
*Energy.  Obama is saving the 1/3 of America that is federal land from development of resources, -forcing oil and gas to drill in some areas that are not as productive or good for the environment.  Mid-continent pipeline means cheaper energy and more jobs.
*Unions.  So unions get Obama elected in 2008, -and then unions get an exemption from Obama-care.  Something about that just seems corrupt as h.  Of course, plenty of exceptions to go around to buy votes!  If Obama-care was the saving grace, -why can no-one afford it?
   *$90 Billion for Obama hand picked, Obama contributing –green companies.  Who cares that social security seniors and disabled did not get an inflation increase for the first time in 25 years?  2010 and 2011 in case you want to fact check a conservative.
   *I could go on -but only those conservative folks that care about a free America would read it, -and they already see thru the Obama cult media.
Definition of Obama Nation:   Welcome to what is left of America -before we are destroyed in the coming war -because of Obama cutting military spending and -what is spent is not for the mobile small nuclear weapons that Russia and China have put into play.  The next Cuban Missile Crisis will have Obama carrying a white flag -or America being crushed in a war against countries with superior technology to jam radar, take out gps satellites, stealth drones that can take out any ship and any building in America without even being seen…
Obama Nation is not a good term, -it’s what you call America when a gov dictator is in charge with a propaganda machine that does no reporting -just puts out Obama gov propaganda -just as you get in Iran, Russia, N Korea, Venezuela, Cuba.
b, do you really think an election changes the fact Obama is a cowardly liar about what happened in Benghazi?  and I suppose he never went to the UN apologizing for a film -to spit on everything Americans have died for -such as free speech.  And then, there were all the documents proving several terrorist cells were operating in Benghazi -and H Clinton and Obama decided to ignore beefing up security to maintain the Obama narrative of al Qaida being decimated.
  There is no issue that this Obama Team has not lied about.  I list several on this page which can’t be disputed -because I use numbers that are in the Obama record for the last 4 years.
s, -it is lying to talk ill of Romney on Medicare when Obama cut Medicare by $700 Billion to fund Obama-care.

   m, pretty sick mentality voting for a gov dictator -one would think she would know enough about the plight of Cuba and Venezuela and Russia and Iran and n Korea, …  to know better.

8   Can a leftist gov control liar like Putin, or rather -Obama -succeed in destroying free enterprise and freedom in America?  Tough call, -free enterprise and those that understand and love freedom from a gov dictator -will eventually fight back thru the lies of the Obama cult media and win America back -we pray.






One response to “Obama Nation”

  1. That’s an expert answer to an inirtesetng question

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