Obama/h Clinton/j Kerry are not worth the salt that goes in their bread.

Somehow, I just don’t get it.  Obama claims the attacks in France are attacks against the entire civilized world, -but Russia/Assad/Iran killing 250,000 in Syria and intentionally flooding the world with mainly Muslim refugees -are not attacks against the entire civilized world?! 

Or the lining up -and killing -and torturing all the moderate Muslims -and for sure kill dead any Christians that get in the way of Isis?  Isis lining up and be-heading rows of Christians just for being Christians –if these are not acts against all of humanity -then nothing is Isis burning a Jordanian pilot alive -and on and on.

Obama/h Clinton/j Kerry are not worth the salt that goes in their bread -as they are all best friends with the alliance of Putin/Iran/Assad -where the evil of Muslim terrorism is spreading from.  Just how is it that Isis for 1 year was given free reign to kill and torture in Iraq -before Obama started his make-believe bombing campaign!?

Iran is the biggest promoter of terrorist attacks in the world -and Obama/h Clinton/all democrats -reward Iran with $150 Billion & guarantee the continued development of nuclear weapon systems.  Democrats of 2015 have no conscience and no soul and obviously no freaking common sense.






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