#TheObamaCrewKillingSpreeOfAmericans: How many Americans have to be killed by Obama Democrats before this cult of Sharia Law, jihad, climate liars, war mongers, and racists get weeded out of the bureaucracy?
The Killing Spree of the Obama Democrats:
#KilledAndLeftBehindThousandsOfAmericansInAfghanistan! Obama Dems celebrated the AIRLIFT into America of 120,000 Taliban Vetted Islam -who believe in jihad and Sharia Law. Sharia Law says women are slaves and merchandise. jihad means the Islam’s Highest Honor is to kill an Israeli or an American.
#KILLED1200Israelis by taking a bankrupt Iran and giving them $16B cash and $100B/yr in oil profits! The Trump Sanctions on Iran had Iran bankrupt! Mark Cuban’s Precious KH killed those Israelis and Americans -Iran was bankrupt under Pres Trump with no $$ to fund this war!
#KILLEDOverAMillionRussiansAndUkrainians: The Obama crew PAID Russia with high oil prices and sent $110B to Ukraine -Funding both sides of the Russia-Ukraine war! The blood of all 3 of these wars is directly on the #ObamaDEI_Hires #IncludingKamalaHarris_TheLastPersonOutOfTheRoom!
#KILLEDThousandsOfGirlsBoysMenWomen with the 20M Unvetted Illegals Obama-Biden-KH has PAID to flood America. Democrats says the Mothers who lost daughters and sons to these Democrat Illegals are #COLLATERAL_DAMAGE-#justA_smallPriceToPayToResetAmericaToA_OnePartyDictatorship!
#KILLED_ThousandsOfAmericansWithMarijuana! Drug Cartels control all Marijuana Sales legal and illegal in America -making the Drug Cartels and China $Trillions of Dollars.
#AllMarijuanaCandyProducts_whateverWithTHC_AlsoHasMoreAndMore_THC_and_Fentanyl! -so don’t be acting all surprised when your child dies! -you freaking voted to kill your family and friends with a pot shop every 50 feet in America!
#KilledManyChildrenWithSexChangeSurgery +Democrats Legislated for sex change surgery for minors without parent approval, -including convicts in jail and illegals -AND in our Military! Causing suicides -and now we have a feckless Military which gave us Afghanistan, Ukraine, Israel, Drug Cartels with China taking over America!
#KilledManyWomenAndVeryYoungGirlsWithObamaIllegals! Dems say these Moms are Collateral Damage & Mark Cuban said these Moms are weak and stupid because they support Pres Trump! +Joselyn Toaquiza 21 suffocated by an Obama illegal +Jocelyn Nungaray 12, raped for 2 hours and then strangled +Patricia Portillo, shot and killed +Rachel Morin, mother of 5, raped and beaten to death. Listed 4 of the many violently attacked every day!
#Jan6CommitteeLiedAndCoveredUp_AndDestroyedEvidence -and to this day protected Michael Byrd -responsible for the Only Real Violence Of Jan 6 -the killing of an unarmed woman on the other side of a Barricaded Door by this self proclaimed black supremacist thug Michael Byrd -who was in DISGUISE with mask, suit and tie, cuff links, -did not at anytime Identify himself, give any Warning.
#CovidPatientsIntoNursingHomes! And endless lying by other Obama Dems and Chinese Paid Off Assets including Fauci and the Dem Media.
#KilledManyAmericansSincethe2023HamasAttackOnIsrael! Iran keeps killing Americans while this Obama crew is protecting Obama’s PRECIOUS IRAN!
This Obama Harris crew running America since 2008 GUARANTEED Iran a FREE PASS to kill as many Americans, American Soldiers and Navy Seals, Hostages, Israelis -as Iran pleases:
In Jordan 1/29/24.
#TwoNavySealsDrowned in a Boarding Operation of a ship carrying Iranian Weapons to Yemen (Houthis). The Navy Seals killed in combat as a direct result of the Iran-Israel War were never recognized by Biden-Harris as killed in combat because it was called a “Boarding Operation”.
#IranFirstObama For 13 hours Obama was not about to protect American Soldiers by killing Islamic Factions shooting at American Soldiers.
and Police Stations during the Floyd riots.
#ObamaTurnedLooseHisBLM_Antifa_andOtherSorosPaidOffPunks to Divide America with Racism -very successfully.
#Killed_A_MillionChildrenEveryYearWithAbortion! Democrats had the Presidency, House, and Senate for 2021 and 2022 and Abortion was not brought up once! If Dimwitted and Evil KH had been been elected -Abortion would not have come up again until the next election!
KH just said in regard to the Calif Wildfires: if you lost your house -be patient! meaning pls don’t come after me with tar and feathers! I will be your next governor -the First Dimwit Word Salad to be elected Gov!
#DemocratsHaveNeverCaredToFixAbortion_OpenBorder_Education_WeaponizedGov_EndlessWars! Democrats can’t win without lying about Abortion. Options to Abortion are: +Get help with raising a child +ADOPTION +Having the GIFT of being called “Mom!” +There would be ONE MILLION less Abortions every year if Birth Control was actually used. #MaybeNotHavingSexWithMenWhoWouldNeverWantYourChild!
China controls 90% of the Critical Minerals to make anything -especially batteries, drones, missiles, solar panels, wind turbines. China controls 95% of the Processing of Minerals.
China controls 50% of all Prescription Drugs that America depends on.
1)Biden just gave the country of Angola a $Billion Dollars of Humanitarian Aid -all this Aid money to Africa or any Country goes directly to aid China and others: #AmericaGetsNOTHING –There should never be $$ leaving America that does not have a return on it for America!
#Africa_IsSendingTheirMineralstoChina -Instead of Aid $$, -there should be TRADE $$ requiring Africa to send Minerals to America -the same with Afghanistan and 200 other countries: Why are we sending AID $$ (earmarked for solar panels and wind turbines to Jordan, Egypt, Somalia, Yemen, Congo, Syria?
2)This war on American Mining by the +Climate Liars +Obama Haters of America +Establishment Republicans +and the many DEI Hires who get richer every year while doing nothing -has destroyed the future of America.
#In2013ObamaDidNothingAsRussiaAndIranKilledHalfAmillionInSyriaToKeepAssadInPower: #floodingEuropeAndTheUS with Islam Refugees who believe in Sharia Law and jihad. All part of H Clinton/ John Kerry as Sec’y of State. In 2013, Iran and Hezbollah provided important battlefield support for Assad killing half a Million Syrians. Obama loves Iran killing Syrians, Israelis, Americans -Obama would never harm Iran under any circumstance.
#In2012 Obama used the phrase “red line” in reference to Russia and Assad using chemical weapons in the Syrian civil war, saying, “We have been very clear to the Assad regime, but also to other players on the ground, that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving … ” Well, Russia and Assad did use chemical weapons including chlorine gas -and #IranFirstIranFirstObamaDidNOTHING!
#ChinaHasHypersonicDronesAndMissilesThatAmericaCantDefendAndWeDontHave! –We don’t have hypersonic drones and missiles -so #AnyWarWithChina_WeLoseIn5Minutes!
#2025 Our American Military still thinks in terms of Civil War Artillery and our Obsolete Navy -we have NO Leadership in our Military.
So easy to sink our Navy Carriers today -no match for the modern drones and missiles that China has perfected.
China laughs at America moving our Navy Carrier Groups around like America is the Boss of something -we’re not.
Syria is 95% Islam -meaning the ISIS, al Qaeda -faction that takes over may be worse than Assad!
Murder on our Streets is easily prevented with the Rudy Giuliani RESPECT Our Police, FUND Our Police, BACK Our Police, and #STOP_AND_FRISK!! The +drug dealers-users +illegals have a free pass today on our subways, main streets, universities!
#WeNeed_LIE_DETECTOR_TESTS_ForAllGovEmployees! as a matter of National Security -not for use in court -but to expose the truth -who takes bribes, Islam who believe in Sharia Law and jihad,
Obama Loyalists who believe in the Obama RESET, -WOULD MAKE HIRING AND FIRING A LOT EASIER!
GETTING RID OF THE +DEI HIRES +War Mongers +Climate Liars +Unions +Racist Mongers +Soros paid for DA’s, Mayors, Governors, City Councils -IS IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT LIE DETECTOR TESTS!!
Killers including the killer of the CEO in New York and the killer of Laken Riley laugh at American Justice -knowing a low-life Obama Judge or President will pardon them SOONER OR LATER! The Death Penalty is the only deterrent to an evil thug.
#HunterBidenLikeAllOfTheJoeBidenFamilyAreEvilToTheCoreTraitors to America -on record selling out America –as proven with eye witnesses, bank records, over 20 shell companies, -the lot of them deserve a bullet in their left eye.
#KimCheatleAndRoweRunningOurSecretService -set up Pres Trump to be killed twice that we know of -and all they have done is destroy evidence and hide evidence. -never any consequences!
#ObamaUsedThe_IRS_includingLoisLerner -to shut down Republican Fund Raising -to win re-election in 2012.
#Jan6Committee lied and covered up and destroyed evidence -and to this day protected Michael Byrd -responsible for the Only Real Violence Of Jan 6 -the killing of an unarmed woman on the other side of a Barricaded Door by this self proclaimed black supremacist thug Michael Byrd -who was in DISGUISE with mask, suit and tie, cuff links, -did not Identify himself, give any Warning.
#AlvinBragg pushing a trial for Daniel Penny is just one more part of Obama’s Loyal Cult Following –Who Believe In An America Reset.
#Fauci has always been a Chinese Asset -super rich with no consequences for killing over a Million Americans. The Chinese and Fauci knew exactly what the Chinese were doing 6 months before the Virus even got to America.
THE ONLY WAY TO TAKE OUT THE SWAMP IS WITH LIE DETECTOR TESTS. LIE DETECTOR TESTS FOR EVERY GOV EMPLOYEE EVERY 6 MONTHS -not to be used for court -only to be used for hiring and firing as a matter of National Security -otherwise capitol police, secret service, whoever -will continue killing an unarmed woman on the other side of a barricaded wall or trying to kill Pres Trump.
#NOID VOTING and #ILLEGALS VOTING makes Obama Democrats Unfit to Serve!
Many elections in 2024 were won by Democrats with Stolen Votes!!
+Require an ID to vote! Without an ID No Vote can be AUDITED, -which is why the Democrat Party demands NO ID!
+Eliminate Mail Out Ballots: Less than .001% of all voters -other than Military -need a Mail Out Ballot due to a Handicap.
+Many States like California allow Postmarks all the way to Election Day -so many Ballots don’t arrive to be counted until a week after Election Day!
+In 2022 OVER HALF half of the votes in Calif were not counted until after Election Day.
+In 2022 and 2024 the Control of the House was not decided until 8 days AFTER Election Day.
+Mail Out Ballots require additional verification steps including opened individually, validated by someone, processed by someone -so this takes longer to tabulate than Ballots cast in person that are then fed into a scanner at a neighborhood polling place.
+Here are some of the States that do not require any #ID or Documentation to vote: California, New York, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, , Vermont. Washington, and of course the king of corruption: D.C.!
+There is no way Kamala Harris got 68M Legal Votes in 2024! Obama got 69M in 2008 and 66M in 2012. Biden got 81M in 2020 showing 2020 was the most stolen election in American History! KH said “nothing comes to mind that she would do different!” and somehow gets the same number of votes as Obama??
+The Trump Team has to change our Constitution to:
#Paper Ballots on Election Day and the day before Election Day, #Verifiable ID, #Signature, #No Mail Out Ballots except for Military and Proven Handicapped (less than .001% of our population) and all Mail Out Ballots must be #Postmarked 7 days before Election Day! The 2024 Democrat Party is the party of evil lying and hate for America on each and every issue.
+The Democrat Cheating really took off in the 2020, 2022, and 2024 Elections with Mail Out Ballots, No ID, Voter Harvesting, Drop Boxes, illegals voting, Illegally changing the handling of ballots in every county in America, voting machines connected to the internet that can easily be programmed to give any result -used in all dictator countries.
Any issue on this list would make the Democrats UNFIT TO SERVE!
Democrats gave us +Afghanistan, +Ukraine +Israel +Men in women’s sports +No ID to vote +War Mongering and Race Mongering +Iran, Russia, and Venezuela CONTROL of Oil & Gas Prices! +Inflation Trump 1.4% vs Democrats 6.5%
+Home Mortgage Trump 2.4% vs Democrats 7%
+Democrats car ins up 56%
+Democrats house ins up 51%
+Democrats food up 22%
+Democrats Unvetted Illegals #KILLING women, girls, children -by the thousands
+Democrats set up Trump to be killed twice -Iran would never pay to kill a Democrat!
+Democrats student loan GIFTS has cost middle class $600B!
+Democrats spent $7T to force Americans into electric cars!
#2023 America has lost 140,000 manufacturing jobs since Jan 2023. Loss of Mfg Jobs means loss of the supply chain -we can’t compete in the world with Democrats moving the corporate tax rate to 28%!
#Biden spent his whole career taking BRIBES from China, Russia, Ukraine, .. and along with KH, 51 Intel and Military -LIED about the Hunter Laptop -to steal the 2020 Election.
#KHarris set up Millions to keep violent thugs out of jail during the Floyd Riots. The KH “No Jail!” and “No Bail!” policies got 1500 businesses, court houses, and Police Stations burned to the ground and kept violent criminals on our streets!
#ChainMigration: 61% of all Immigrants in America are here by #CHAIN MIGRATION. Every relative to the 20M Unvetted Illegals Kamala Harris just flooded America with is legally able to bring their family and and all of their families!
#ObamaDemocratsSetUpIsraelToBeDestroyed! Obama and KH have never made a decision that was not in line with destroying Israel and America.
#Jan6TheOnlyRealViolenceOnJan6WasTheMurderOfAshliBabbittByMichaelByrd. Byrd was HIDING behind a column until the hall was empty, DISGUISED in street clothes, coat, tie, cuff links, mask, -Never IDENTIFIED himself as Police, did not yell a WARNING, No warning shot.
Byrd steps out from the column and from 5 feet away shoots an UNARMED WOMAN on the OTHER SIDE OF A BARRICADED DOOR!! Babbitt was a Veteran who served several tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Babbitt had No Weapon -No Protester Had A Weapon -you have to be real sick to say an INSURRECTION took place WITHOUT ANY WEAPONS!!
and then KH Democrats made a HERO out of this murderer Michael Byrd!
Byrd got on his radio saying “Shots fired! Shots fired! We have our guns drawn!” Byrd was trying to incite more killing -when the only shot fired -and the only Real Violence on Jan 6 -was by Byrd.
Byrd is a self-proclaimed black supremacist -who had been on social media making threats to Pres Trump and anyone supporting MAGA -got his chance to kill and was made a hero by the Biden Harris Pelosi crew and their Dem Controlled Media.
Garland’s IG Horowitz still refuses to the release report on Jan 6! This investigation should have taken a month -but Horowitz took 4 years and refuses to release the report. Horowitz is an evil Soros Paid Off Obama Loyalist who destroyed and hid evidence -hiding the 200 Metro Police, FBI, DHS, Capital Police, -who were embedded with the Protesters -most disguised as Trump Followers -who were on a mission to create violence.
#CapitolPolice are on video throwing flashbang explosive grenades into groups of people doing NOTHING -these were men, women, and children being attacked and harassed by CP for no reason -other than the Pelosi Gestapo praying for violence.
#MayorMurielBowser is part of the low life Soros Paid For thugs who planned this charade!
#ObamaWeaponizedGov uses Garland, Wray, Mayorkas, -to arrest and prosecute those who are Pro-Life! Pro-Life centers are vandalized and their people are attacked -with No Prosecutions by the KH Dictatorship.
At the same time Pro-Life Protesters are in jail today for protesting at Abortion Rallies!
The Obama Biden Harris Pelosi “#StudentLoanForgiveness” has a present cost of more than half a $Billion. All Student Loans should have a 50% Liability to the University -and you would see Universities trying to teach instead of making $Millions pushing Hate America Propaganda!