This father Khizr Khan should care about who killed his son!

Real time proof of the sick race baiting/hate baiting of Obama/hClinton/media:  The use of this Muslim father (dems had to go back 12 years -his son was killed in Iraq in 2004) -to find this Harvard lawyer Muslim -who was willing to use his son’s death to bash Trump at the DNC.  This father Khizr Khan should care about who killed his son -Islamic Muslims.  Khan prefers to rant on Donald Trump -but support for hClinton carries a lot of support for Islamic terrorists.

 -as obama/hClinton funded Iran with $Trillions by lifting sanctions against Iran -and intend to import tens of thousands of Muslim Islamic into america. Guess that is the beauty of the Islamic religion -where they believe in jihad, the caliphate, and/or sharia law -they get to kill each other -including their own family -and it’s all good.   Just me, but A real father would be talking against the Islamic Muslims that killed his son.

Also, there is the fact that the very IED’s that killed Khan’s son were crafted with Iran’s help.   Iran is responsible for many of the IED explosions that killed American soldiers  -and left so many of our finest American young men without arms or legs  -disgraceful that hClinton/democrats would be a part of the Iran deal that gave $Trillions of dollars to Iran by elimination of the sanctions against Iran.

Real time proof of the sick race baiting/hate baiting of media/Obama/hClinton/blm -when fox is the only media covering cop killing for more than 11 seconds -as fox carries live coverage of the investigation -msnbc, cnn, cnbc -are all focused on promoting hate of Donald Trump.   Of course hClinton was a total failure as sec’y of state including being a traitor to every soldier that ever put on the uniform –so hate trump is the only issue hClinton and media has to talk about.

Real time proof of Obama/hClinton/media/blm –exciting race hate to kill cops:
Cop killing in America is up 78% in 2016 compared to all of 2015.

blm celebrated cop killing,   chanted to kill cops,   burned American flags,  …
Dem convention spent 4 days running with the blm goal of racism.

Everyone has seen Obama blaming cops for killing black people -even when he was proved wrong   -again and again. Obama is a big time racist  -as he learned from rev wright for 20 years.
Obama had blm in the white house praising this racist hate group -an honor generally reserved for a Muslim family of a deserter that got American soldiers killed.

btw. hClinton says Trump has no details –Trump is the only candidate who listed his supreme court nominees, –just where is the hClinton list of supreme court nominees?!

Most nice thing you can say about obama/hClinton/democrats: They are the Monitors. Hacking of emails, cyber security. Obama/hClinton/media -are like the Dental Monitor, -you got this huge cavity -but I don’t fix things -I’m the Dental Monitor.  Thence computer hacking -under Obama/hClinton -has given up most all US secrets, -but I don’t fix things -I’m the Hacking Monitor!!

Democrats are truly the Hacking Monitor!

Pretty much true of terrorism, killing of cops, the growth of Isis -the growth of all islamic terrorism, national debt at 20 $Trillion, hate/division in america, sanctuary cities, ….   Of course, obama/hClinton have funded all of the above with $Trillions to Iran by stopping sanctions, by $500 Million to fund sanctuary cities, an open door policy to all illegals, ….

by Jay Richardson



