Trump assassination attempt 7/13/24

This is not America -just listen to these phony Police, FBI, -HIDING AND LYING -BLAH BLAH BLAH -never a straight answer.

Trump assassination attempt 7/13/24.
1) This evil Obama 3rd Term Obama crew had been voting to keep Trump from having any Secret Service Protection –should tell you all you need to know about the integrity of Obama Democrats.
2) A real America would have an immediate FBI Update telling America what happened -but under the Obama crew from 2008 Dictatorship -Wray and Garland will cover up and destroy evidence to the point the truth will never get out.
3)The FBI in 1 minute from looking at the shooter’s phone can tell America the motive and who else was involved -but we never get that anymore. Who paid the shooter, was the shooter a MAGA Hater -like *Michael Byrd -the Capitol Policeman who sneaked up on and killed an unarmed woman on the other side
of a barricaded door.
4) Obama Democrats did deny RF Kennedy any Secret Svc Protection -the Obama Democrats are obvious lying thugs -who live for power even if it means destroying America.
5) The Media in America are demented and sick -including Fox -why do cameras at rallies and speeches don’t move around like a sports event -show the crowds -show the faces -move the freaking camera around -what in the hell is going on? It’s like living in China or Iran! Why argue over crowd size? when you could just show us?! Moving the cameras around would have shown the shooter -they all saw him -is our Media that freaking stupid?!
6) I qualified for several weapons in my Service and we all know this shooter was Greedy -the shooter intended to shoot Trump in face with his skull shattered and half of his head taken off -when a simple shot to the body would have been just as deadly -well, the face shot missed thanks to God -not so sure God will give America any more free passes -our Country has turned against God -the Obama crew from 2008 has turned America into an evil place -we all see it -the world sees it.

*[Michael Byrd was hiding behind a column disguised in a suit, tie, cuff links -gave no warning and killed a woman Veteran with tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Byrd immediately after killing Babbitt got on the radio screaming “Shots fired! We have our weapons drawn!” Byrd was trying to cause more chaos and violence -Byrd is a murderer -no matter how many times he gets promoted and made into a hero by the Obama 3rd Term Democrats. Byrd was on the internet bragging about wanting to kill Pres Trump and MAGA people -which is why Democrats took several months before letting Byrd come out of hiding.]