Trump Immigration Ban on Muslims. Enclosed is a List of Terrorist Groups democrats/left media need to import to raise gov check dependency and increase the number of democrat voters.

Trump Immigration Ban on Muslims.  Enclosed is a List of Terrorist Groups democrats/left media need to import to raise gov check dependency and increase the number of democrat voters.

There was no immigration ban on Muslims -as All media has reported  -quickly proved false -since no-one was banned out of 320,000 entries into the US in just 1 day.  Action was required on less than a dozen -the beginning of an actual policy to stop illegal passports, visa’s, and begin -real vetting.  See #1 paragraph below.

Generally, democrats –are just matrix puppets for anything media throws out there -they look the other way when evil happens  –Orlando, San Bernardino, Ft Hood, Boston, 9-11, Paris, Nice, airport in Turkey, attacks on grade schools, the Russia/Assad/Iran alliance killed .5 million citizens -with dems rewarding Iran with $Trillions in cash and lifting sanctions, Chattanooga, Benghazi, Little Rock, USS Cole, Marine barracks in Beirut, …. –ALL attacks by Islamic radicals that believe in jihad, caliphate, and sharia law.

More Islamic radical haters of life -that stand for evil:
, FARC, Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (operates around Pakistan and India, and they have no problem attacking hundreds of innocent people),
Al-habaab, Hezbollah. Hezbollah means “party of Allah.” This terrorist group was formed by Muslim clerics, and they have representatives as high up as the cabinet of the Lebanese government, meaning they are, as a whole, very powerful. They are also very destructive and have killed many innocent civilians.
Boko Haram is the worst terrorist group based in West Africa. They have close ties with Al-Qaeda and are vehemently anti-Western education. In fact, “Boko Haram” means “Western education is sin.”
Founded by Mullah Mohammed Omar in 1994,
the Taliban makes money via human and drug trafficking. They have killed many innocent people, which they do in the name of jihad.
. Known for their role in the attacks on September 11, Al-Qaeda’s objective is to unify Muslims through jihad. The group was founded by the late Osama bin Laden, and they have killed thousands of innocent people in an effort to achieve their goal.
ISIS, which stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. They kill people indiscriminately, operate primarily in Iraq, Syria, Palestine and the Middle East.

ALL of those groups listed above -have common goals:  jihad, caliphate, sharia law, and a hate of America, Christians, and LGBT.  The new age of democrats justify anything for power -importing people to get them dependency on gov checks -and push up the numbers of mainly Hispanic voting for democrats.  Democrats have already turned most of America over to the Mexican gov, Mexican drug cartels, -and corrupt bought judges -as clearly shown by the sanctuary cities that bypass federal law -and justice, law and order -for the American citizen.

But I suppose if a leftist like Bill Maher can see some truth, -than let’s have some hope -other liberals might see thru the media propaganda.

#1  So how do you vet for visa’s, and immigration?  Maybe a few of the questions and background check should include:  “does your religion or ideology allow you to kill someone that disagrees with you?
btw,  if ideology has been made into a religion -is it still ideology -or is it claimed to be religion -for the reason of killing those that disagree —-and entering America?
I don’t think the American Constitution was written to cover ideology -that claim as their religion the right to kill anyone anywhere –because you disagree with them.  Evil has found a way to spread all over the world based on religious rights -good luck with all future attacks in America, Europe, Canada, Pakistan, India, France, Germany, ….

Madonna saying to burn down the White House, Ashley Judd foaming at the mouth with rabies style hate of Trump -claiming American streets are like in Hitler’s Germany -Judd has no clue of Hitler Germany.  Protest over what?  -to protect their precious 10 terrorist groups as described above –that have been killing Americans and American soldiers for decades, -that kill LGBT every day, -that kill each other and anyone in disagreement -kill at an internet whim -or kill at the request of a Marm in a mosque….  Protest over what?  -the right of the Mexican gov to take over America?



