Update on the Obama Biden crew hate on America, Christians, Veterans for 12 of the last 16 years —

1/1/25 So this DEI Hire and Complete Idiot New Orleans Police Supt Anne Kirkpatrick said we did not think a Terrorist would use the sidewalk and drive around a road block!! The CEO Peter Whitford -who makes the Barriers -says this Supt Kirkpatrick did not know they had the Barriers -and did not even know how to set them up! As always, No Consequences for DEI Hires who get Americans killed.

New Orleans officials in charge said the Barriers were being modified –well, it costs almost nothing to park large trucks from building to building and this one street would have been SECURE!

This Islam Thug had an ISIS FLAG with him in the truck! Yet the top Obama-Soros DEI Hires for the FBI stepped up to the microphone and said “this was not a terrorist attack!” This #IslamFirstIranFirst ObamaCrew have never made 1 decision for Americans.

Most of all -you can thank the Democrat Voters -who put this #IranFirstIslamFirst Obama crew in charge of America for 12 of the last 16 years! Obama has flooded America with Millions of Islamic Thugs. Islam finds Veterans, illegals, homeless, Islam believers, anyone going thru a bad time in life -& puts them out on suicide missions -Islam has been killing each other and anyone who disagrees with the local tribe for hundreds of years.

All of the Islam Tribes believe in Sharia Law and jihad. Sharia Law means women are slaves and merchandise, and jihad means their highest honor is to kill Americans and Israelis.

All of the terrorists of 9-11 were Islam! +10/7/23 Hamas (Islam) killed 1200 +Moscow concert 150 dead +2017 NYC bike path attack killed 8 +2017 NYC subway bomber injured 3 +2016 Pulse Nightclub killed 49 +2016 Ohio State 11 injured +Boston Marathon Bombing killed 3 and injured 260 +San Bernardino Christmas Party 14 dead +Afghanistan is Islam +Gaza Palestinians and Hamas are Islam +Hezbollah, Houthis, Iran, Iraq, Syria, -ALL Islam who believe in Sharia Law and jihad.

This Obama Crew and many of our sick super-rich Universities supported the Islam Hamas and Islam Palestinians in Gaza and in America: +burning American Flags +screaming “Death to Israel!” and “Death to America!” Thank this #IslamFirstIranFirst Obama Crew for the Millions of America and Israel hating Islam in America today!!

The Media still can’t say the “Islamic Cult Thug” committed these attacks! Even Fox News can’t say the words “Islamic Cult Thugs” -no matter how many Americans are killed.

+Obama FORCED the whole country of Afghanistan under Islam Slavery -which is where this Obama Crew and the Squad should be deported to! Obama created a safe place for all terrorist groups including the Taliban, al Qaeda, ISIS -to plan more attacks on America.

Obama Biden in 4 years: Imported in over a Million Islam -including 120,000 from Afghanistan with Milley bragging about it as this Total Success! Muslim Islam has killed Thousands of Our US Soldiers since 2001 in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Libya, ..

Iran has been given a Free Pass by Obama Biden for Iran to kill as many Israelis and Americans as they care to with ZERO consequences: In the last 3 years Biden has got hundreds of Americans killed including: 13 US Soldiers in Afghanistan, 2 Navy Seals in the Red Sea 1/11/24, 3 US Soldiers killed by an Iranian Drone in Jordan 1/28/24, over 50 Americans killed on 10/7/23 and several Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas today! -all a direct result of the Obama Obsession with making Iran Great and Forcing the Obama RESET.

Millions of Unvetted Islam Illegals have been flown into America Per phone APPS that Obama created. Obama Biden gave out Parole Status so that Millions of illegals are not even counted in the total of illegals.

Also the Biden KH phone app does the Same Trick with Illegals entering thru legal ports -these illegals are given Temporary Parole Status and not even counted in the total of illegals!

Iran (Islam) was bankrupt because of the Trump Sanctions and then Obama on Jan 2021 dropped all sanctions and rewarded Iran with $16B in frozen cash and over $200B in oil $Money to fund 100% of the Iran/ Hamas attack on Israel 10/7/23.

The base of the Dem Party includes the Islam Squad and Islam College Professors who led the protests chanting “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” All should be deported to Afghanistan and have their Citizenship taken away!

Biden KH spits in the face of Gold Star Families: Biden would never make 1 phone call to those families -or any of the families who have had loved ones attacked, raped, and killed by Obama’s Precious Unvetted Illegals!

ISIS (Islam) made videos cutting off the heads of Christians and Obama never called out the evil of Islam as “radical Islam” or “Islam” -and never gave honor to the Christians by calling them “Christians”. Obama, Holder, Blinken, Susan Rice, KH, Holder, Biden, Mayorkas, Sullivan, -all hate Christians.

+Obama celebrated the traitor and radical Islam Bowe Bergdahl at the White House -singing praises to radical Islam. Susan Rice called Bergdahl a HERO.

+Obama had a “stand down” order that allowed Iran to capture 2 Naval military vessels –with Iran putting our Navy Sailors on their knees for an Iranian Photo Op!

+Iran First Obama issued several “stand down” orders during the Benghazi Attack so Obama would get re-elected -instead of sending in help for Americans who were being attacked by Muslim Islam for 13 hours –getting 4 Americans killed.

Obama, Biden, H Clinton, our CIA, EVERYBODY -knew our guys were under attack for 13 hours and Obama did nothing. H Clinton was Sec’y of State and played her role as an idiot and part of the Establishment war machine.

+Obama did nothing as Russia and Iran killed half a million in Syria to keep Assad in power -flooding Europe and the US with the Islam Cult who believe in Sharia Law and jihad. All part of H Clinton/ John Kerry as Sec’y of State.

Obama’s mentor and hero was Rev (gd America) Jeremiah Wright. The Obama circle of friends also included Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has always openly hated Jews, White people, and the LGBT Community.

+Obama saw Boko Haram (Islam) kidnap and put into slavery 250 girls from a Christian school and Obama did Nothing!

Slave ownership including Boko Haram are all over Africa -gets ignored by Obama Democrats. One of the biggest lies ever told was that only white people had slaves -especially since the Obama Open Border is the largest, most profitable slave business in the history of the world. Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, -are evil -no matter what year it happens or what country is paying for it! And the Drug Cartels have joined in with Chinese Nationals, Islam Cult haters of America -to create terrorist cells all over America.

Obama, Sunny Hostin of the View, Kamala Harris -are all direct descendants of slave owners. +Boko Haram’s funding includes: Islamic terrorist groups such as al-Shabaab in Somalia and local al-Qaeda affiliates.

+ISIS was created by Obama when Obama ignored ISIS taking over a third of Iraq

+In 2008 and ever since then: Obama and Eric Holder say our Police are racist and America is racist -starting all the assassinations, defunding, hate, and prosecutions of our Law Enforcement.

Today Obama has destroyed safe streets in America -using the power of unlimited $$ from Soros and Big Tech -paying off and electing Mayors, DA’s, Judges -who all hate America.

+Obama created the terrorist gangs BLM and Antifa -all given free passes to kill, arson, loot, hijack cars, -whatever. At the same time Garland harasses Trump with nonsense lawsuits and plots to kill Pres Trump OR anyone who dares to object to this Obama RESET of America.

+Biden Harris spits in the face of Afghanistan Gold Star Families: This Obama crew -after the bombing attack on US Soldiers -has sent $2B to Afghanistan with $Billions more on track to go to Afghanistan -which is being disguised as AID -but goes directly to the Islam tribes in charge. Same is true for Hamas in Gaza.

+What kind of evil lets China use a spy balloon to map our missile silos, military bases, underground data centers, stealth bomber locations? That would be Biden Harris -who should be facing a Firing Squad today!

+Gov web sites show Asian immigrants (Unvetted Illegals) are in the Millions: The Chinese have allied with Drug Cartels to take over all legal and illegal sales of Marijuana and all psychotic deadly drugs.

Bin Laden was actually enjoying the good life in Pakistan -an Islam country with nuclear weapons.

Since Europe opened up their borders to Islam -there are no safe streets -10 days ago a vehicular attack at the Magdeburg Christmas market in Germany killed 5, including a young boy.

Al Qaeda and ISIS have repeatedly published articles in their Jihadi propaganda magazines encouraging the use of vehicles as weapons in ramming attacks against innocent civilians -all essential to the Iran First Obama RESET of America.


#AfghanistanBetrayal Our Veterans had won this war & this Obama Biden Crew gets our guys killed by Islam -with no consequences by Iran First Islam First Obama. Truck Driver in New Orleans who killed 10 was PART OF AN ISLAM CELL OPERATING IN AMERICA AND MEXICO.

#MenInWomen‘Sports and bathrooms

#NoID Voting

#FundingIran with the $$ to kill 1200 Israelis

#FundingIran with the $$ to help Russia kill Ukrainians

#FundingChina and the Drug Cartels with Open Borders (#SexTrafficking, #HumanTrafficking,

all #MariuanaSales Illegal and Legal in America controlled by the Drug Cartels and China,

over #100,000AmericansKilled every year with Chinese Drugs crossing our Borders

#12 of the last 16 years this Obama Crew #WeaponizedGov from Lois Lerner to these thugs Cheatle and Rowe setting up #2AssassinationAttempts on President Trump

#SorosPaidOffDA‘s, Mayors, Governors who turn loose violent criminals, make Shop Lifting and Car Jacking legal,

#ForceSanctuaryCities on America

#20M Unvetted Illegals who were Paid to come into America -many are Islam Radicals who believe in Sharia Law and jihad -many are evil thugs raping and murdering -as the

#HateAmericaObamaJudges put all of them back on our streets!

+This Obama Crew (Biden will never be anything more than an Evil Stooge set up for Obama to hide behind) giving out Pardons and Commutations to thousands of Evil Thugs -including 37 of 40 on death row

+The Democrat Voter never gave 1 damn about the suffering of the families of Laken Riley, 12 year old Jocelyn Nungaray, -and the thousands of others who were brutally killed by the Obama Illegals

-Laken Riley will never see 2025 while her killer has no worry –#NoConsequences is the result without a Death Penalty

#TrumpInflation was 1.4% vs Biden inflation at an average of 6%

+Over $7T spent to #ForceEV‘sOnAmerica

#CarInsurance up 57%!

#MortgageRates going from the Trump 2.4% to 7%!

#Interest on our debt is over a $Trillion each year!

#MedicalInsurance Doubled in the last 4 years under Obama Biden!

Obama Biden has set up Pres Trump to fail:

#Spending$4.4T in 2019 before Covid!

#Biden2024Spending$6.8T with only $4.9T Revenue!

#Biden2025Spending$7.3T with only $5T Revenue!

+Destroying our Military with #DEI-Hires -Not one Democrat was ever held accountable for any of the issues listed here!

+This Iran First Islam First Obama Crew hate for Christians, Americans, and everything our Veterans died for -needs to end on Jan 20, 2025 or we -our kids, our friends -will lose everything

-if we don’t grow a United Fierce Integrity and Common Sense –#ChinaHasA10YearAdvantage over America in hypersonic drones, missiles, and cyber warfare.

China has no drug problem, educates their kids, -while American Education is close to last in the world among the top 40 countries in the world -thanks to the evil corruption of Unions in Education and in Washington.

#WeHOPEandPRAY for Jan 20 to be the start of an America that believes in the Bible, the Truth (Democrats and the Media have lied 24/7 for the last 16 years),

and hiring and firing based on ability and love of America instead of sex, color, and a hate for America.

The Media has said “Biden” for 4 years -Biden was picked by #ObamaToHideBehind -and with the Media working for Democrats -pretty easy to make fools out of half of America!

Obama needed an evil stooge -and the whole Biden family -has taken large bribes for the last 20 years! -no better stick for Obama Loyalty than keeping Joe and family out of jail.

A shame that the real evil thugs here are Obama and all of the Obama Hires -who will never face any consequences for bringing evil on America for 12 of the last 16 years.


